Sunday, 5 May 2013

Fight Our Passion


Here again ..Today's post is about a programme that is held in my school.Which is organized by the Prefect Organiztion and the Exco of the Maarif Hostel ! Yeay .. Congrates to all of you.

The programme was named .. jeng .. jeng .. jeng ..

Our KA (Ketua Asrama) ,Kak Syarifah Nur Syakirah told us a nice story at the beginning of the programme. Such a good story .


The story began like this ..

Once upon a time there was a son lived with his grandma . His grandma told him that in his body lived two wolf named EVIL and GOOD . Everyday , both of the wolf will fight each other to win the boy's body. The the boy asked ,"Which wolf will win , grandma?" And the old grandma answered the question . "The wolf that will win is the wolf that you feed everyday . If you do good things everyday , so ,the GOOD wolf will  win . But, if you always do bad things in your life , the EVIL wolf will win ."

So, my friends, did you understand the story that I've retell. The choice is in your hand . If you're a good person and always 'top-up' your reward (pahala), the heaven is such the best place for you. But if you always do bad things or sin, so the hell is waiting for you. Make the best decision and remember our aim is Jannah in afterdays.

The programme give us many awareness about WOMEN . We relized that we are valuable because Rasululluah also said in his hadith.

The Prophet said, 'The whole world is jewelry, and the best of women's jewelry is righteous'. (Narrated by Muslim).

Rasulullah bersabda,'Dunia ini adalah perhiasan, dan sebaik-baik perhiasan adalah wanita solehah'. (HR Muslim).

So, girls and women, take good care of yourself.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Jom Tolong Agama Islam


Such a long time for me to update my blog.I've changed my background and header since I am bored with my older background.Baru nampak blog ni lain sikit and baru ada semangat nak update blog,betul tak?

Sepanjang kita hidup ni,apa sumbangan kita kepada agama kita.Apa kata kalau kita ikut sunnah Rasulullah.Bila kita ikut sunnah Rasulullah,orang-orang lain akan pandang agama Islam sebagai agama yang mempunyai penganut berbudi pekerti,sopan,beradab dan sifat mahmudah lain.

Gambar waktu pertandingan syarahan 2012

Saya ada baca satu hadis daripada buku Gen-Q yang bermaksud:-

Rasulullah bersabda:"Sesiapa yang melakukan sunnahku pada zaman kerosakan ummat akan mendapat pahala 100 mati syahid"

Subhanallah.Banyaknya pahala kita bila kita berbuat kebaikan.Jangan tunggu lama-lama,amalkan sebelum terlambat.Sekaranglah zaman kerosakan ummat.Jadi,mari kita bangkitkan dan tunjukkan pada agama lain bahawa Islam itu kuat.

P/S:Sekiranya kita bantu agama Allah,Insya-Allah Dia akan membantu kita.

-Fina Maula-